Wintersun Cabin and Caravan Park

Wintersun Cabin and Caravan Park is conveniently located near Alice Springs, offering an ideal spot for travellers en route to or from Darwin, Katherine Kakadu, or the Kimberleys. It offers a cozy and relaxing environment with well-established amenities. This park offers a blend of traditional camping with modern facilities, ensuring a satisfying stay for all types of travellers. Explore the beauty of the surrounding area while enjoying the comfort and convenience of Wintersun Cabin and Caravan Park.

Alice Springs,
Wintersun Cabin and Caravan Park - Default Image

About this campsite

Wintersun Cabin and Caravan Park offers a diverse range of accommodations to meet the needs of all travellers. This prime location on Stuart Highway, a stone's throw from Alice Springs' city centre, makes it a perfect pit stop for those en route to Darwin, Katherine, Kakadu, or the Kimberleys. Packed with amenities, it guarantees comfortable stays, and thanks to its strategic location, it serves as a perfect springboard for exploring the wonders of the Northern Territory.

Drinking WaterDrinking Water
Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
WiFi InternetWiFi Internet
Camp KitchenCamp Kitchen
Long RigLong Rig
Tent SiteTent Site
Swimming PoolSwimming Pool
LPG RefillsLPG Refills
Public PhonePublic Phone
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables
No PetsNo Pets
Information CentreInformation Centre


Caravan Park