Willow Park Griffith

Willow Park Griffith is an ideal rest spot nestled near the heart of Griffith, featuring scenic lagoon views. The park offers many amenities including picnic tables, BBQs, and well-maintained flushing toilets. Shaded by beautiful weeping willow trees, it provides a serene environment for relaxation although the lush foliage might limit TV reception. A must-visit place for nature lovers and travellers alike.

Willow Park Griffith - Default Image

About this campsite

There is plenty of shade under the weeping willow trees, but they do tend to block TV reception.

Drinking WaterDrinking Water
Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Dump PointDump Point
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Free Overnight CampFree Overnight Camp
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Maximum 24 hrsMaximum 24 hrs


Overnight Rest Area
Day Use Area
Public Dump Point