Wilga Bush Camping Area

Wilga Bush Camping Area offers an escape into the tranquility of a lush Australian forest. Located just 2km from a stunning lake, it's a serene hideaway for nature lovers. Enjoy the seclusion of your personal campsite, with nothing around but the natural beauty of bushland. Come to this well-kept secret, bask in tranquility, and rejuvenate in the heart of nature.

Wilga Bush Camping Area - Default Image

About this campsite

The Wilga Bush Camping Area is a haven for nature enthusiasts nestled within a lush forest, just 2kms away from a serene lake. It offers private and secluded campsites in the heart of the natural wilderness. Here, you become one with the tranquility of the terrain, enveloped in the calming embrace of the Australian bush. Indeed, a best-kept secret for those yearning for a tranquil escape.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Tent SiteTent Site
Camping FeeCamping Fee
Hot ShowersHot Showers
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables
Fire PlaceFire Place
No PetsNo Pets

