Wall Reserve

Wall Reserve is an expansive, visitor-friendly area that provides access to the northern rock training wall of the Camden Haven River. Primarily a blissful location for picnics amid nature, it's also a thriving spot for land-based fishing. Accessible via various points, it features dedicated areas catering to caravans and long rigs. Despite its popularity, it offers abundant parking along The Parade, ensuring a seamless visitor experience even on busy weekends. Whether you're an enthusiastic angler or a nature lover, this reserve promises engaging pursuits and memorable experiences.

North Haven,
Wall Reserve - Default Image

About this campsite

At approx 1.5km long, the reserve is accessable from a number of locations. The main section at the marker has a turn around area at the end of the access road and is caravan and long rig friendly. However on busy weekends, parking a caravan here could be difficult. At the south western end of the reserve, caravan parking is available along the verges of The Parade. The north eastern bar end is accessable via Hughes Road and is caravan friendly. A very productive land based fishing location.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables
No SwimmingNo Swimming


Children's Play Facility
Day Use Area
Fishing Spot