Sandigo Rest Area
Sandigo Rest Area is an excellent place for travelers to rest, recharge and relax. It comes equipped with tank water and parking spaces with some under shade, perfect for hot summer days. Conveniently situated next to a truck parking area, it is an ideal stopover point, making the journey more comfortable and less tiresome.

About this campsite
The Sandigo Rest Area is a convenient stopover that provides essential facilities for travelers. Conveniently located, it offers tank water availability for those in need. The area has ample parking space, ensuring that it's never too crowded for comfort. A unique feature this rest area provides is the shade, ensuring a cool and comfortable stop especially during hot days. The rest area also sits adjacent to a large truck parking area, making it an ideal halt for long-haul drivers. Whether you're on a long journey or just passing through, Sandigo Rest Area's amenities and easy accessibility make it a reliable location for travelers.
Contact & Location
Sturt Highway
Sandigo, 2700