Picnic Point Lake Bolac Foreshore Camping Area
Picnic Point Lake Bolac Foreshore Camping Area is a serene lakeside retreat perfect for an intimate connection with nature. It offers numerous camping spots, both sunny and shaded, along with amenities like hot showers, water availability and picnic tables for a comfortable stay. Regular visits by the Ranger ensure safety and order at the premises. Engage in pleasant lakeside activities or simply unwinding amidst the quiet, the location promises a delightful camping experience right by the water.

About this campsite
Picnic Point Lake Bolac Foreshore Camping Area is a magnificent lakeside retreat that offers ample space for camping. The area is equipped with hot showers, picnic tables, and water, ensuring comfortable camping experience. Depending on your preference, you can choose either a shady or sunny camp spot. Additional spaces can also be found further along the road from Picnic Point. The campsite is professionally managed, with a ranger making regular afternoon visits. This camping site offers a blend of tranquility and outdoor fun, making it a perfect choice for camp enthusiasts.