Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park

Discover the stunning natural beauty of Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park, situated just south of Mount Gambier. The park is a haven for underwater explorers, with opportunities to snorkel and dive in intriguing underwater formations like The Chasm and The Cathedral. Camping enthusiasts can also enjoy the park with the use of gas fires, adhering to conservation guidelines. Experience a unique blend of outdoor adventure and serene nature in this aquatic paradise.

Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park - Default Image

About this campsite

Piccaninnie Ponds Conservation Park, located just a short drive from Mount Gambier, offers a unique natural adventure for nature enthusiasts and underwater explorers alike. Take a snorkel journey across The Chasm, peering into its mysterious depths, or plunge into the extensive underwater cavern called The Cathedral. This environmental oasis requires the use of gas fires for safety, ensuring the park maintains its natural charm. Come and experience an unforgettable subaqueous escapade amidst breathtaking scenery at Piccaninnie Ponds.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity
No Long RigsNo Long Rigs
No PetsNo Pets


Day Use Area
Place of Interest