Oodnadatta Rest Area

Oodnadatta Rest Area is a spacious, open spot conducive for drive-throughs. It offers a significant value proposition with its free electric BBQ facility. Moreover, it is conveniently located within a short stroll to the popular Pink Roadhouse. The lack of shade further adds to its unique and natural charm, giving visitors an unhindered feel of the outdoors. It's a perfect place to take a break, cook a quick meal, and enjoy the natural landscape.

Oodnadatta Rest Area - Default Image

About this campsite

There is no shade here. A free electric BBQ is provided and it is walking distance to the Pink Roadhouse.

Long RigLong Rig
Tent SiteTent Site
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Free Overnight CampFree Overnight Camp
Generators AllowedGenerators Allowed
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables
Fire PlaceFire Place


Overnight Rest Area