Nullarbor Halfway Westbound Rest Area

The Nullarbor Halfway Westbound Rest Area is an ideal stopover during your journey between Ceduna and Norseman. Its level gravel drive-through design can accommodate various vehicle types. Beneficial amenities such as waste bins and cellular signal availability are ensured for all visitors. Furthermore, the area provides alternate camping locations with shade for an overnight stay, making your transit journey less tiring and more comfortable.

Nullarbor Halfway Westbound Rest Area - Default Image

About this campsite

There are some tracks leading from the rest area which provide alternate locations for camping and a little shade.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Tent SiteTent Site
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Free Overnight CampFree Overnight Camp
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area


Overnight Rest Area
Day Use Area