Mundoo Boat Ramp

Mundoo Boat Ramp is a primary access point to the biodiverse ecosystem of Coorong and the Murray River mouth. Located on Hindmarsh Island, it comes with a handy jetty. The Coorong is home to 78 species of fish and over 80 species of water birds and waders, some of which travel all the way from Siberia, China and Japan each summer. This blend of convenience and rich wildlife makes the ramp a perfect spot for nature lovers and boating enthusiasts alike!

Hindmarsh Island,
Mundoo Boat Ramp - Default Image

About this campsite

The Coorong provides vital habitat for 78 species of fish and peovides a home for more than 80 species of water birds and waders. Some of these birds migrate from as far away as Siberia, China and Japan each summer.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity
River FishingRiver Fishing
Public Boat RampPublic Boat Ramp
Public ParkingPublic Parking
Information BoardInformation Board
Bird WatchingBird Watching
Canoeing KayakingCanoeing Kayaking
Beach FishingBeach Fishing
Open Water FishingOpen Water Fishing


Day Use Area
Fishing Spot
Boat Ramp