Metung RV Rest Stop

Metung RV Rest Stop is a compact, lakeside camping facility near Metung and adjacent to the stunning expanses of the Gippsland Lakes. It is well-equipped with clean serviced toilets and water facilities. Despite its modest size, it can accommodate up to 2 caravans or 3-4 motor homes. Its prime location allows for wonderful lakeside walks, including a trail leading to a scenic lookout over the lakes. Perfect for travelers seeking a tranquil, natural setting.

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Metung RV Rest Stop thumbnail 1

About this campsite

This free camp is about 2km out of Metung. Great position on shores of the Gippsland Lakes. Clean, serviced toilets with water taps. This camp is quite small with space for maybe 2 caravans OR 3-4 motor homes.

Drinking WaterDrinking Water
Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
WiFi InternetWiFi Internet
Tent SiteTent Site
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Free Overnight CampFree Overnight Camp
Generators AllowedGenerators Allowed
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity
Fire PlaceFire Place
River FishingRiver Fishing
No Long RigsNo Long Rigs
Camp TrailersCamp Trailers
Public Boat RampPublic Boat Ramp
Public ParkingPublic Parking
Canoeing KayakingCanoeing Kayaking
Post BoxPost Box
Maximum 36 hrsMaximum 36 hrs


Convenience Store
Overnight Rest Area
Day Use Area
Fishing Spot
Boat Ramp