Goroke Apex Accommodation Park

Goroke Apex Accommodation Park is nestled in the charming, historic farming town of Goroke. The park is conveniently located near a community pool and offers both powered and unpowered sites for your comfort. With a vibrant local community, sports clubs, schools, and weekly newspaper, you'll have a chance to engage with authentic Australian country life. Experience the rich history of a town established in the 1800s, named after an Aboriginal term, and generously endowed with facilities such as a flour mill, stores, a mechanics' hall, and much more.

Goroke Apex Accommodation Park - Default Image

About this campsite

Goroke is a small farming community in the West Wimmera regions. While the population is less than 1,000 the local folk are very active with sporting clubs, a weekly newspaper and a school which caters for pre-school to year 12. Named after the Aboriginal term for the Australian magpie, the town was established in 1882 as a supply centre for local selectors and by 1884 had a population of 50. Goroke Post Office opened on 1 July 1884.[2] Three years later, facilities in Goroke included a flour mill, two stores, a school, a mechanics' hall, a hotel and a blacksmith's. Originally connected to Kaniva and Nhill by a track through the Little Desert, in 1894, the railway reached Goroke from Natimuk.[3] The Garoke Apex Accommodation Park charges fees for overnight stay as follows: Fees at at 3rd Dec 2018 Powered site $20 P/N Un-powered $5 P/N

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Dump PointDump Point
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Camping FeeCamping Fee
Hot ShowersHot Showers
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables
Camp TrailersCamp Trailers
Hose Attachment TapHose Attachment Tap


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