Frank Potts Reserve
Frank Potts Reserve in Langhorne Creek is an ideal rest stop boasting ample shade, located only a short walk away from the General Store and the Hotel, both known for their delicious culinary offerings. Situated in the heart of a popular wine district, it's a mere 200 meters from the Langhorne Creek wine centre and 700 meters from Bleasdale wines. However, do note its proximity to Bremer River can lead to occasional flooding of the camping area after heavy upstream rain. With its tranquil setting and clean amenities, it's considered one of the best free camps in South Australia, offering a reprieve from the road.

About this campsite
Frank Potts Reserve is a superb rest area nestled in the heart of the renowned Langhorne Creek wine district. With a short walk to key attractions like the Langhorne Creek General Store, the hotel for delectable meals, and close proximity to the Langhorne Creek wine center and Bleasdale wines, the location is unbeatable. The reserve is a haven for free campers, offering abundant shade and clean facilities. However, its location by the Bremer River can lead to occasional flooding during intense rains upstream. Therefore, selecting a site away from the road is advisable. A visit to Frank Potts Reserve offers a delightful experience and a real taste of South Australia's rich wine culture.
Contact & Location
Wellington Road
Langhorne Creek, 5255