Diamond Head Road Reserve Dunbogan

Diamond Head Road Reserve Dunbogan is located along Diamond Head Road just south of the bridge connecting Laurieton and Dunbogan. There are three roadside parking areas of varying sizes, providing visitors with easy access for land-based fishing at Camden Haven Inlet. The largest and closest parking area to the bridge is marked on GPS. Though ideal for fishing and scenic views, bins are the only facility provided on site.

Diamond Head Road Reserve Dunbogan - Default Image

About this campsite

The GPS marker is the Northernmost largest parking area and also the closest to the bridge. The other 2 parking areas are progressively smaller at approx 300m intervals apart. The smaller areas are not suitable for caravans. All parking areas give land based fishing access to Camden Haven Inlet. Bins are the only facility provided.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
River FishingRiver Fishing


Day Use Area
Fishing Spot