Dajarra Camping Area

Immerse yourself in Australia's rich history with a visit to Dajarra Camping Area. This unique site was once the world's largest cattle trucking center, with cattle transported from Queensland and Northern Territory to markets in the east. Campgrounds are conveniently located at the old railway station, adding to the historic appeal. Behold the standing testament to its vibrant past, the solitary old water tower—once used to refuel steam locomotives. Discovering Dajarra is truly an authentic outback experience.

Dajarra Camping Area - Default Image

About this campsite

Dajarra Camping Area is steeped in rich history, being once recognized as the world's largest cattle trucking centre. Strategically located at the old rail station, this campground offers a unique experience of the authentic Australian outback. This area was crucial in the cattle industry before road trains became prevalent. Cattle from remote regions of Queensland and Northern Territory were brought by trucks to Dajarra, from where they were transported to markets on the eastern coast via railway. An iconic symbol of those bygone days, the old water tower once used to refuel steam locomotives, still stands tall. It is a strong visual reminder of Dajarra's historical relevance in the transport industry. Thus, a trip to Dajarra Campgrounds isn't just a camping experience - it's a journey into the heart of Australia's outback history. This special place ensures that you truly experience and appreciate the outback in all its rugged charm.

Drinking WaterDrinking Water
Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Tent SiteTent Site
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity
Camping FeeCamping Fee


Overnight Rest Area
Day Use Area
Place of Interest

Contact & Location

Diamantina Development Road

Dajarra, 4825

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