Culver Repeater Station Rest Area

The Culver Repeater Station Rest Area is a perfect spot for a 24-hour stay for travelers. Accessible about 2km north off the Eyre Highway, this site provides a convenient turning loop for large vehicles. Although featuring no amenities, there is an emergency phone, ensuring safety for all visitors while they enjoy convenient accessibility and stunning surroundings.

Culver Repeater Station Rest Area - Default Image

About this campsite

Located approximately 2km north of the renowned Eyre Highway, Culver Repeater Station Rest Area offers an escape for 24 hours. Perfect for large vehicles due to its convenient turning loop, this rest area is an ideal spot for an overnight stay. While it lacks in built facilities, it does have an emergency phone available, ensuring safety and convenience for all visitors. A comforting stopover to refresh and refuel, whether you're on a long journey or need a quick respite. A versatile, easily accessible spot that's free of charge, promising a tranquil stay amidst your travels.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Tent SiteTent Site
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Free Overnight CampFree Overnight Camp
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity
No FiresNo Fires
Maximum 24 hrsMaximum 24 hrs


Overnight Rest Area
Day Use Area
Place of Interest