Cawsey Rotary Park Rest Area

The Cawsey Rotary Park Rest Area is a convenient stop located on the westbound side of the Golden Highway. Despite it being a compact location, it can easily accommodate larger vehicles with its drive-through feature. Although overnight stays, water and toilet facilities are not available, it serves as a comfortable break spot for journeying travelers. Adjacent to the highway, it's easily accessible without major detours, making it an easy choice for a reliable rest stop.

Cawsey Rotary Park Rest Area - Default Image

About this campsite

Cawsey Rotary Park Rest Area is a conveniently located day rest area situated on the westbound side of the Golden Highway, a brief 2km journey from Denman. Despite having no overnight stay, toilets, or water facilities, this rest area is valued for its ease of access and ability to accommodate a range of vehicle sizes, including big rigs. Being a drive-through, it facilitates swift, effortless parking and seamless continuation of your journey along the highway. This fantastical tranquility spot is ideal for a brief rest from your travels, promising peaceful respite in its location immediately adjacent to the highway.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables


Day Use Area