Cape Northumberland

Cape Northumberland offers expansive parking, even for large vehicles, making it convenient for all travelers to visit. The site is known for its engaging walking tracks, leading visitors to intriguing historical sites like the location of an old lighthouse. Despite the chilly winds in winter, the unique beauty and experiences offered by Cape Northumberland makes it a must-see destination when exploring Port Macdonnell.

Port Macdonnell,
Cape Northumberland - Default Image

About this campsite

There is a large parking area here with room for large rigs and caravans. The walking tracks. Ring you to interesting historical sites, such as the place of the old lighthouse. In wintEr, the wind blows in off the ocean and relentlessly pierces the warmest of winter clothing, but this place is spacial and deserves a visit from anyone venturing to Port Macdonnell

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity
Public ParkingPublic Parking
Information BoardInformation Board
Bird WatchingBird Watching


Day Use Area
Place of Interest