Bunda Cliffs Lookout Number 1

Bunda Cliffs Lookout No. 1 offers an experience that stimulates the senses with awe-inspiring views. Visitors can stroll along the walking track, observing the vast Southern Ocean and the impressive Bunda Cliffs that mark the Nullarbor National Park's coastline. During the right season, you can glimpse whales in their natural habitat. The lookout is the perfect spot for camping, where you can partake in the dramatic spectacle of both sunrise and sunset. Despite its exposure to strong winds, especially in winter, the raw, untouched beauty of this place makes it an unforgettable visit.

Border Village,
Bunda Cliffs Lookout Number 1 - Default Image

About this campsite

The Bunda Cliffs stretch for 200km along the coastline of the Nullarbor National Park. Whales can sometimes be seen from this lookout and the sunsets are stunning. This is a great choice for an overnight stop where you can really appreciate the power of the ocean and enjoy both the sunrise and the sunset. Be sure to have your camera ready. This spot is exposed to the elements and can be quite windy. The cold blast of air off the ocean is bracing in the winter.

Long RigLong Rig
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Free Overnight CampFree Overnight Camp
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity


Overnight Rest Area
Day Use Area
National Park