Boolaboola Rest Area

The Boolaboola Rest Area is a free, scenic overnight stop offering ample space and a touch of privacy amidst roadside shrubs. Ideal for those seeking some solitude whilst travelling, it is strategically located away from the highway and dotted with distinctive, low scrubby trees providing occasional shade. However, be prepared for an off-the-grid experience as there are no amenities and the area lacks a mobile phone signal. Take a chance and get closer to nature.

Boolaboola Rest Area - Default Image

About this campsite

The Boolaboola Rest Area is a serene roadside stop designed for tranquility and open-space relaxation. The rest area, located amid a panoramic arid countryside, features level gravel surfaces nestled between local shrubbery. Boasting privacy above par, it comes with numerous paths veering away from the main highways, offering visitors a peaceful retreat. Despite minimal amenities and absent mobile phone signal, the area provides spots of shade granted by low, scrubby trees, serving an ideal break spot enriching the overall travel experience.

Long RigLong Rig
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Free Overnight CampFree Overnight Camp
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables


Overnight Rest Area
Day Use Area