Beewong Rest Area

Take a breather at Beewong Rest Area, a convenient stopping point on your journey. It offers a city-style coffee shop and service station during the hours of 6 am to 6 pm for any quick refuels and energy boosts you need on your trip. However, overnight parking is unavailable to ensure it's ready to serve early morning travelers. Perfect for just easing off the road for a while on your journey.

Beewong Rest Area - Default Image

About this campsite

The Beewong Rest Area is not just a mere parking spot - it serves as a delightful pit-stop for highway travelers, conveniently located opposite a well-appointed service station. Have an early start? No worries. The service station springs to life from 6 AM until about 6 PM, so you can always drop by for morning or late-afternoon breaks. But the true gem here is the cafe - a quaint little spot that offers the charm of a city-style coffee shop. It's crucial to note that overnight stays aren't possible on the service station due to the early morning parking needs. So, plan your stopovers accordingly. Visit Beewong Rest Area - a refreshing oasis for all highway adventurers!

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Coffee & TeaCoffee & Tea
Cold DrinksCold Drinks
Unleaded Petrol BowserUnleaded Petrol Bowser
Diesel BowserDiesel Bowser


Overnight Rest Area
Day Use Area
Service Station
Fuel Available

Contact & Location

Princes Highway

Bewong, 2540

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