Baxter Rest Area

Baxter Rest Area offers travelers an expansive, serene spot for an overnight stop. The location has multiple tracks leading into peaceful scrubland. Prioviding convenient amenities such as restrooms, picnic tables, and trash bins, it lacks water facilities but plenty of open space. However, due to its scrubby landscape, shade is limited. A great place to enjoy a natural break from the journey, immerse in nature, and enjoy a picnic under the wide skies.

Baxter Rest Area - Default Image

About this campsite

Baxter Rest Area is a spacious and accommodating location perfect for an overnight stop. Featuring numerous tracks winding into the surrounding scrub, it offers solitude and a touch of adventure. Although shade is scarce, facilities such as toilets, picnic tables, and waste bins are conveniently available. It's worth noting that water isn't provided, so do come prepared for your rustic stay at the Baxter Rest Area.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Tent SiteTent Site
Dump PointDump Point
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Free Overnight CampFree Overnight Camp
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables
Fire PlaceFire Place
Maximum 24 hrsMaximum 24 hrs


Overnight Rest Area
Day Use Area