Balranald Lower Weir

Balranald Lower Weir offers a scenic camping area perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Although the banks might be steep for boat launching, it is an ideal locale for fishing away from the weir. Please note water could flow rapidly at certain times and swimming or fishing near the weir isn't advised. Both upper and lower sections provide a great spot to spend time with nature.

Balranald Lower Weir - Default Image

About this campsite

Banks are a bit steep to get boats in here. The water can be flowing fast here at times. Fishing can be OK. No fishing or swimming adjacent to the weir.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Free Overnight CampFree Overnight Camp
Generators AllowedGenerators Allowed
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity
River FishingRiver Fishing
No SwimmingNo Swimming
Bird WatchingBird Watching
Canoeing KayakingCanoeing Kayaking


Camping Area
Fishing Spot