Allora Showground

Discover the charming Allora Showground in South Western Queensland, a welcoming spot for caravans and campers. This vibrant farming community provides up to a week's stay at a time, complete with a dump point and potable water facilities. Ideal for horse-riding enthusiasts, numerous stables and paddocks are at your disposal. Surrounded by numerous structures with historic charm, it’s a picture-perfect getaway nestled in between Warwick and Toowoomba on the Darling Downs. You'll be welcomed by friendly locals, embodying a true community spirit.

Allora Showground - Default Image

About this campsite

Allora is situated on the Darling Downs in South Western Queensland. The township is located on the New England Highway between Warwick and Toowoomba. Allora is a small farming community with a population of around 1,000. The locals are friendly community minded and welcome travellers. The showground is well used and well looked after. Many original structures remain. Travellers with horses will fit right in here with lots of stables and paddocks available. .

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Tent SiteTent Site
Dump PointDump Point
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Camping FeeCamping Fee
Camp TrailersCamp Trailers
Hose Attachment TapHose Attachment Tap
Maximum 7 daysMaximum 7 days

