Five Rivers Lookout

Five Rivers Lookout in Australia offers a panoramic view of the junction of five rivers viz., the Forest, King, Pentecost, Durack, and the Ord. The beautifully scenic location set atop the Bastion Range offers an impressive vista of Wyndham and the Cambridge Gulf. Since this lookout is at an elevation, sunrise and sunset views are breathtaking. Ideal for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, visitors will take home unforgettable memories from this majestic lookout point.

Five Rivers Lookout - Default Image

About this campsite

Bring your camera at sunrise of sunset and capture some postcard shots to send home and to keep as memories of your visit.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Dry Access OnlyDry Access Only
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Photo OpportunityPhoto Opportunity
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables
Fire PlaceFire Place
No CaravansNo Caravans
Public ParkingPublic Parking
No TentsNo Tents


Day Use Area
Place of Interest