Cooroy Recreational Vehicle Stopover

The Cooroy Recreational Vehicle Stopover offers a serene and convenient spot for self-contained recreational vehicles. Nestled in the stunning heart of Noosa Hinterland, it allows guests to be at one with nature. No power, shower, cooking, or toilet facilities are available, fostering a unique off-grid stay. Its location is ideal for visitors wanting to explore local neighboring villages, each boasting unique experiences. Be captivated by the charm and beauty of this tranquil stopover, an epitome of bucket-list rustic escapades.

Cooroy Recreational Vehicle Stopover - Default Image

About this campsite

Cooroy is a great base for visitors planning to take a drive through, or stay in, other villages within the beautiful Noosa hinterland. Each small village offers something special.

Drinking WaterDrinking Water
Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Dump PointDump Point
No GeneratorsNo Generators
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Camping FeeCamping Fee
TV ReceptionTV Reception
No FiresNo Fires
No Long RigsNo Long Rigs
Public ParkingPublic Parking
No TentsNo Tents
Maximum 96 hrsMaximum 96 hrs


Camping Area
Public Dump Point