Charcoal Tank Nature Reserve

Charcoal Tank Nature Reserve is a pristine natural reserve in south-western New South Wales, best known for its tranquil setting that allows visitors to relax in nature's lap. It's nestled alongside the Newell Highway, just a short drive south of West Wyalong. However, the reserve currently faces challenges due to littering and vandalism, posing potential risk to its natural environment. To address these issues, a Draft Management Plan is currently under consideration to ensure the future preservation of the reserve. Be a part of safeguarding this gem by respecting its environment during your visit!

West Wyalong,
Charcoal Tank Nature Reserve - Default Image

About this campsite

The Charcoal Tank Nature Reserve, nestled 12 kilometers south of West Wyalong in south-western New South Wales, provides a serene escape adjacent to the Newell highway. Contemplative visitors and nature enthusiasts can enjoy a quiet break in this rest area. The reserve does have limitations in terms of facilities, providing only bins. Shade is also sparse, so visitors should plan accordingly. The state of the Nature Reserve is under a draft management plan with the potential for future improvements to negate the impact of littering and vandalism within the reserve. The detailed plan is outlined in an attached PDF brochure. These steps are taken to preserve the beauty of the nature reserve and ensure a pleasant experience for every visitor. Hence, the Charcoal Tank Nature Reserve is a wonderful proposition for those seeking to explore the heart of New South Wales in an environmentally-conscious way.

Mobile Phone CoverageMobile Phone Coverage
Long RigLong Rig
Day Rest AreaDay Rest Area
Picnic TablesPicnic Tables
Fire PlaceFire Place
Bird WatchingBird Watching


Day Use Area